Guide diaries: Charlotte Workman

Guide diaries: Charlotte Workman

When it comes to local secrets, there are no better experts than our guides here at Niseko Photography & Guiding. We’re spending the next few weeks asking each of them a series of questions. First up is Charlotte Workman. Charlotte has worked as a photographer in mountains all over the world, including Andorra and Argentina. When she’s not out taking photos in the backcountry, she’s known for her spectacular landscapes. Charlotte also happens to rip on a snowboard!

Where did you grow up, Charlotte? 
I grew up in the Western Highlands of Scotland.

How did you start skiing/boarding?
I started snowboarding on a dryslope in Edinburgh (a dryslope is a load of plastic matting on the side of a hill). It’s brutal to go back to now but at the time it was ace!

Favourite local spot to ski or board:
My favourite local spot? Well I can’t tell you that! It’s actually probably our cat zone – there’s so much to play on out there.

Favourite thing to do on a day off:
Splitboarding somewhere new followed by a big meal and an onsen with friends is my ideal day off.


Favourite place to eat:
My favourite place to eat is at the top of a skin track, usually a picnic of onigiri and a flask of miso soup – well earned and it usually means I’m about to ride a whole lot of untracked pow!

Favourite piece of guiding or photography equipment:
My favourite piece of equipment is probably my Arbor Swoon splitboard – freedom! Either that or my flask (hot water and hip…)

It’s a powder day! What do you do first?
Powder days are regular days here in Niseko! I usually try to start each morning with a bit of yoga and a solid bowl of porridge to keep me going.

What do you love about Japan?
I love the amount of snow we get here, but I also love experiencing the Japanese culture. It’s so different to anywhere else I’ve been.

What do you wish you knew about Japan before you got here?
How cold it can get – I would have brought a lot more merino!

Find Charlotte on Instagram here.