Guide diaries: Sam R.

sam rowe

Guide diaries: Sam R.

When it comes to local secrets, there are no better experts than our guides here at Niseko Photography & Guiding. We’re spending the next few weeks asking each of them a series of questions. Next up is Sam Rowe – he is passionate about photography, loves the outdoors and spends his time split between skiing in the mountains and surfing on the coast.

Where did you grow up, Sam?
First seven years in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. But I did all my high school in Sale, country Victoria, OZ.

How did you start skiing?
I think I was about fourteen when dad decided it was time for ski holiday in Australia. I spent the whole month leading up to it watching snowboarding films and looking at snowboard mags but got to the rental store and for some reason asked for skis, and never looked back!

Favourite local spot to ski:
First tracks on Yotei is pretty special.

Favourite thing to do on a day off:
Ski all day and then enjoy an après at the Brick Bar.

sam rowe skiingFavourite place to eat:
My favorite place to go for dinner would be JAM bar, but you also can’t beat some Lawson chicken.

Favourite piece of guiding or photography equipment:
I’m a big fan of my shovel.

It’s a powder day! What do you do first?
Make sure I have all my gear completely sorted, I do not want to miss first turns because I forgot something!

What do you love about Japan?
I’m pretty sure we all came here for the powder, but the reason I chose Japan over somewhere like Sierra Nevada is the foreignness’ that you can experience in Japan. I know everybody says how nice the people where when they go on holidays, but genuinely Japanese people are the nicest, friendliest people I have had the pleasure of meeting.

What tunes do you like to listen to on the way/while riding?
Pretty much anything from the 70s or The Horses by Daryl Braithwaite on repeat.

What do you wish you knew about Japan before you got here?
How slippery the footpaths can get.

Find Sam on Instagram here. 
